LOHAS DIGEST 28 – One word that makes the difference

Dear friends of Beacon LOHAS,

I’ve just came back from Hong Kong trip together with my family members.

Frankly speaking, Hong Kong has not been in my list of top holiday destination.

However, my instinct just told me to go for it because my parents may need my help there.

It’s also a time together with family.

It was an interesting trip for me because I had the chance to experience “slowness” in Hong Kong, a word which is almost alien to a busy and fast pace Hong Kong.

For the most part of my eight days trip, I had to walk along with my dad who is overweight with high blood pressure and diabetes.

The first day upon arrival, he complained knee pain after some walking or after climbing one or two storey.  This was the least thing we expected including my brother who has been living together with him for years.

My father had to take a rest after a short distance walk – less than 200m.  When climbing stairs, his knee would hurt and give way after climbing the stairs.  Most of the time in our trip, my siblings, mother and nephews were walking far ahead of us while my father and I were “snail-ing” our way towards the destination.  His blood pressure shot up to 210/90 for the most of the trip.

He would belongs into “Blood Stagnation Group” in our Eat According To Your Body Type workshop

On the other hand, my mother was able to follow her two grandsons to roam around at interesting places, shopping, look for place to enjoy dim sum, carry her own luggage, taking photos, having fun at the ride in Disney Land with her two dearest grandsons, at her age of 71.

My father is 74 and my mother is 71.  Their age difference was not wide apart but their health status and mobility can be equate to heaven and earth.  If there is only one word that describes what sets them apart, I would put it the word “ownership”.

My father put the ownership of his health to the pharmacist, doctors and other people.  During his daily routine in Penang, he drives and rides motor cycle (no matter how short the distance).  He was regular drinkers when he was young.  Many times, he takes two portions of meals, no matter how late.

I still remember, there is one night in Hong Kong, he took one bowl of porridge and one bowl of wanton noodle around 11pm. His traditional way of thinking, having lunch or dinner means he has to stuff himself until he really full.  He believes taking pills is the only way to make him healthy.  He takes 7 pills every morning and night.  His medical bill is $200 – $300.  Throughout the whole Hong Kong trip, I reminded (nagged) him, “The best person to take care of your health is yourself, just be more active daily”.

My mother, after much influence from me over the past two years proudly show off her results to me.  She practices many of the techniques that taught in LOHAS Meridian Self-Therapyworkshop, Kaizen-Stepping concept and Four Golden Principles in Ultimate Slimming Intensive workshop.  She told me that she no longer takes glucosamine for very long but her knee is feeling much better and flexible.  She does self-massaging and Kaizen-Stepping anytime and anywhere. She even did it when she was queuing at immigration checkpoint.

She shares the same thinking with me, spending time waiting for queue number in clinic and hospital is a waste of time and money.  Relies on medication means less freedom to her.  Clearly, she takes “ownership” of her health and takes conscious simple effort.  Thus, she enjoyed very much of the Hong Kong trip together with the two energetic grandsons.

With the two different results happening under one roof, it is a good reminder for me about what kind of health status I want to have when I am 70~80 years old.  Clearly, I want to take “ownership” of my health.

Year 2012 is just around the corner, let us makes conscious effort and take ownership, let us be healthy and healthier for the future.   Let start simple – have an active lifestyle, walk more, step more, move around more, of course LOHAS meridian exercise more.

Have a happy and healthy year ahead

~~~~~~~ as written in 28 Dec 2011~~~~~~~~~~

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LOHAS DIGEST 26 – Everything happened for a reason

Dear friends of Beacon LOHAS,

How are you doing?

September is an exciting month for us.  

With the help of an established MNC, Beacon LOHAS was able to help out in a community project to encourage the stay-at-home seniors to come out together to do simple Meridian Healthy Workout and interact with each other.

This issue of LOHAS DIGEST is a special sharing from our participants.

In July, one of the participants came to me, mentioning about her recent close encounter.  

After her first day of LOHAS Meridian Comprehensive Workshop, she went on to attend her father-in-law birthday dinner in the evening. 

Not long upon arrival, before she even had a chance to eat dinner, her father in law collapsed outside the toilet.  He was not able to breathe properly and the whole body was cold.  Even though she had just completed CPR course two weeks earlier, she dare not use the CPR technique on him because she had never perform CPR on real person. She chose to use the meridian technique instead.

She performed the emergency technique she had just learnt in the workshop on his father-in-law. Meanwhile, they had dialed for ambulance which took 15 minutes to arrive.  That 15 minutes wait for ambulance was like ages to her.

As she continued to press the emergency point and rub the meridians, her father-in-law suddenly exhaled with a long breath and turn-around his breath.  His condition was stabilised and gained a little more consciousness before the ambulance arrived.

As she related the story to me, she was not so sure if its the techniques helped in that situation.  I just told her that her father-in-law was very lucky to have her arrived at the right place and the right time.  (You can also find the article I posted on 2009 on similar experience at here)

As I am writing this, I am glad that she learnt this technique just hours before the incident.

Thank you, Edwina, for sharing this story with us.

Please forward to those whom you think might benefit from LOHAS Meridian Techniques.